The North Trail

IMG_0957Holy cacti, Batman! We arrived at Justin Diamond J RV Park on New Year’s Eve. Yesterday, we decided to take a short five-mile hike in our new backyard, Saguaro National Park! No lie, our RV is parked right at the edge of the national park. There are many miles of trails to choose from in the Cederlund Trail System. Today, we chose The North Trail. Saguaro National Park is aptly named. Though there are many types of cacti and succulents growing here, the Saguaro is defiantly an attention grabber. After growing for about 100 years, the Saguaro will begin to grow its arms. What?! That fact alone made trekking among these giants pretty awesome. This landscape is so foreign to me, it feels like I’m on the set of a sci-fi movie. If you know me, then you know I love plants! So, as we explore our new home, I’ll be sharing some newly acquired plant knowledge along with the history and attractions of the area.

This is a good representation of what the pathways in our park look like.



I quickly ended up unzipping the legs of my pants to wear shorts It was 77 degrees today!


We thought this pic would give you some perspective on just how huge the saguaro can be.


Gitchi Gitchigoo! These cacti made us laugh. After 175 years Carl finally got to play tickle monster with Stan.


This is the Prickly Pear cactus. They seem to dominate the desert floor here.


This is a barrel cactus. Not to be confused with a young saguaro.








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