Sonora Desert Museum


A Museum? Really? This museum was very cool but more what I would call a desert zoo and botanical garden. Cacti lined red dirt and gravel pathways wind through the park leading visitors to each exhibit. Our favorite was the hummingbird aviary. IMG_1019There are more than 300 species of hummingbird, all of which are native to the Americas mostly in the tropics. Only a handful are in the United States and of those, Soithern Arizona hosts 12 species! The Costa pictured above, is the only true desert hummingbird. If you’d like to learn more about these fantastic birds, click link: Desert Hummingbirds



IMG_1015Peeking out from behind it’s hiding place is a gray fox. Did you know they are the only member of the dog family that can climb trees? IMG_1003

This roadrunner was not shy. It places itself right against the glass. We weren’t sure exactly who was checking out whom! They are a bit difficult to tell apart but there are three javelinas here. They run wild in the area. Recently a woman walking her dog was attacked by two of them- YIKES!


These funny little birds are Gambel’s Quail.

I promised more plant info! The first time we saw one of these we thought it was a common Saguaronwith some sort of infection. IMG_1001If you know me then this picture needs no description 😊

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